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S850 Skid-Steer Loader


Compact Loader Attachments

The Bob-Tach™ system for fast, secure attachment changes.

As quick as a snap, you can replace a bucket with pallet forks, a landscape rake, a backhoe, an auger, a grapple and more, thanks to the exclusive Bob-Tach™ mounting system.

The heavy-duty Bob-Tach™ features spring-loaded, wear-compensating wedges for a sucure fit time after time.


Quick Couplers (with pressure releas)

Ths unique design ensures hydraulic attachment changes go quickly and smoothly. Trapped line pressure can make attachment changes anything but quick.

So Bobcat loaders come with a handy feature to release trapped pressure. By simply pushing the coupler inward, the hydraulic oil is released through a return line back into the machine. The result is clean, quick attachment changes time after time.